- News
by Kim
Social distancing is difficult – but it’s important. To help slow the spread of the coronavirus, people around the planet are being asked to stay indoors and reduce their contact with the outside world. This is changing everything. From the way we interact with our loved ones to how we do business – not to mention the uncertainty and anxiety most of us are feeling because of the pandemic itself.
Staying active physically and mentally and maintaining some social connections are basic human needs —these help us to feel happy, fulfilled and healthy. With this in mind, here are seven ways to keep busy while social distancing and self-isolating at home:
Turn off the news
Take a break from the influx of negative reports about COVID-19 can really help to reduce anxiety and stress and gives your brain some room for positive ideas and thoughts. Turn off notifications and alerts on your mobile phone is smart too and limit your exposure to the news to only 2-3 times a day for a few minutes – especially if you have children in the house.
Also, try not to check the headlines before bed, you’ll likely to get a better night’s sleep!
Try to move around as much as possible
Just because you’re self-isolating it doesn’t mean that you have to sit around on the sofa all day. Using YouTube and other sites, you can get in a good workout without leaving your home. Any kind exercise that gets your heart pumping for just 30 minutes can really help to reduce stress levels and help you feel accomplished.
Knock off some tasks on your to-do list
A great way to stay focused and active is to get on with that to-do list that you never have time to get around to! No doubt there are some projects/tasks that you always put off until you have ‘more time’ – well now you do. Even though there is not much we can do to stop the virus, tackling those items will help you feel fulfilled and accomplished.
Learn a new skill
Along with your to-do list, there’s probably a list of things that you’ve always wanted to try or learn but never had the time to. Learning a new skill will not only help you pass the time but it helps reduce stress and give your brain a workout. There are many free online seminars and classes to enrol on that can be provided from your own home.
Reach out to people
Taking the time to reach out to others, especially those who may be at risk due to ill health or advancing age, can help lessen the stress and discomfort of self-isolation – both yours and theirs. Communicating face-to-face over video chat such as Skype with your family and friends is important. Stay connected and let loved ones know you are thinking of them.
Indulge in self-care
If there was ever a time for self-care, this is it. Be sure to look after yourself by practising good hand hygiene, getting enough sleep each night and eating a healthy, balanced diet. But that’s not all, self-care also includes activities that make you feel good, such as drawing, painting or journaling – anything that helps you to de-stress. Learn more about self-care in our blog post here.
Follow positivity on Social media
Social media is powerful, for good or bad. Since none of us wants to delete Facebook or Instagram entirely, unfollow any accounts that make you feel resentful, worthless, stressed or anxious. You do not need that negativity right now. Instead, use social media to spread positivity and follow those who are talking about ways to deal with stress and coping techniques.
Why good mental health is essential during social distancing
As the world slips into uncertainty and fear, it’s all too easy to let our mental health plummet. That’s why it’s important to take care of ourselves mentally during difficult times, to help build up our psychological resilience and support our immune system. Caring for your mental health will also allow you to better help and support your family and others in the community during this time.
At Positive Mind Works, we are an online psychology and psychiatry service that allows people to access the help they need from the comfort and safety of their own home during this COVID-19 outbreak. If you’d like to organise an appointment to keep your mental health stable during this time, click here.