Impostor syndrome (IS) is a psychological state in which you believe you are not as capable as others believe you are.
To put it another way, imposter syndrome is the sensation of feeling like a phony—as if you’re about to be discovered as a fraud—as if you don’t belong where you are and are only there by chance. While this concept is most often attributed to intelligence and success, it also has connections to perfectionism and social environment. It can affect anyone, regardless of their socioeconomic class, employment history, skill level, or level of experience.
If you’re struggling with thoughts of inadequacy and self-doubt, you’ll likely be relieved to know that you’re not alone. In fact, it’s thought that as many as 70% of people will experience these symptoms of imposter syndrome at some point during their lifetime.
What can cause Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter syndrome has been shown to affect anyone, from the most accomplished CEO to a college student, and it can be triggered by taking on a new role such as a change in job or going to university. Or, for example, you may have come from a family that placed a great priority on success or had parents that alternated between praise and criticism.
In reality, genuine talent and accomplishments are irrelevant. Imposter syndrome affects driven people just as much as it affects those at the top of the corporate ladder.
Do I suffer from Imposter Syndrome?
If you’re wondering whether you identify with this syndrome, here are some commonly noted signs to look out for:
- Feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy
- Attempting to sabotage your own success
- Setting high-stakes goals and being disappointed when you don’t meet them
- Criticising your performance
- Worrying that you don’t meet expectations
- Exhibiting a perfectionist attitude
While imposter syndrome can increase motivation and ambition to achieve for some people, it usually comes at a cost in the form of persistent anxiety. To “ensure” that no one discovers you are phony, you may over-prepare or work far harder than necessary.
Ask yourself the following questions if you suspect you have imposter syndrome:
- Do you obsess over even minor errors or shortcomings in your work?
- Do you think your success is due to chance or other factors?
- Are you easily offended, even if it’s constructive criticism?
- Do you ever get the feeling that you’ll be exposed as a liar?
- Do you minimise your own abilities, even when they are genuine?
Seeking help
Remember that if you’re feeling like an impostor, it’s because you’ve had some success in your life that you’re attributing to chance. Instead, try to transform that emotion into one of gratitude. Be appreciative for all you have done in your life and be thankful for what you have.
It may be helpful to speak with a therapist if you frequently feel any of the symptoms above. Imposter syndrome is characterised by negative thinking, self-doubt, and self-sabotage, which can affect many aspects of your life. Our team of experienced psychologists are ready to provide the support you need to move past these feelings. Give our friendly reception team a call on 1800 327 477 (AU) or 0800 327 477 (NZ) to learn more. Or, click here to book your first session and get started today.