ADHD Skills Management Group
Group cognitive behavioural therapy sessions resemble social skills training sessions in certain ways. Training in social skills focuses on the acquisition of awareness of how ADHD activities affect other people and the self-management abilities required to minimise associated disruptions. Although it focuses more on self-awareness than environmental awareness, cognitive therapy also aims to increase awareness of disruptive behaviours and ADHD symptoms. Specific self-management skills, such as self-soothing actions and positive self-talk strategies, are taught. These skills are guided by cognitive behavioural theory, which states that changing thinking results in changes in behaviour and mood.
For those with ADHD, developing a sense of community in a controlled, safe environment might be very beneficial. The chance to practise recently acquired social skills in the secure setting of a therapeutic group is another advantage.
Our psychiatrist Dr Tanya Saul and psychologist Ale Held will be running this 6 week ADHD Skills Management Group. If you are interested in joining one of these groups, we are now taking expressions of interest. Please get in touch today with our team on 1800 327 477 (AU) / 0800 327 477 (NZ) to register your name and interest.